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McKenzie River RapidsThe McKenzie River makes for an excellent rafting trip. The are numerous boat launches along the navigable portion of the river, which extends from Eugene high into the Cascade Range. Sparkling clear waters originate from snow-melt at higher elevations and eventually eminate from Clear Lake. Guided tours are usually half or full day floats.

Keep your eyes on the rivers current while watching for wildlife. In addition to jumping trout you might see osprey while on your journey. Talk to other rafters and be aware of the class 3 rapids on the McKenzie. Many beginners settle on ferrying their craft around the class 3 rapids.

There is also a long history of drift boating on the river. The functional McKenzie River Driftboat was born from the McKenzie river. The boats offer a safe and smooth ride with a seasoned operator. Go fishing, or enjoy a recreational float this Summer in the McKenzie River Valley.

Visit Sahalie Falls this Summer or take a sightseeing gondola ride on the Oregon Skyway at Willamette Pass

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